Month: November 2023

Customer Service: An Important Part of the ‘Innoverse”

Customer Service: An Important Part of the ‘Innoverse” In the gaming industry, virtual worlds are brought to life, and players go on epic adventures. The importance of seamless customer service for players is not something that can be understated. InnoGames believes…

Sunrise Village: A Look at the Connections and Charms as Seen by Dedicated Players

Sunrise Village: A Look at the Connections and Charms as Seen by Dedicated Players Sunrise Village is an enchanting adventure and farming game that can be played on mobile devices and web browsers. It was developed by InnoGames. We take a look…

Bug reporting is important

Bug reporting is important What if software behaved exactly as intended, every time, regardless of the circumstances? Predictable, fast, enjoyable. All goes as planned. Each new version of the software brings new and exciting features. Software is created by humans. I have never…

Rise of Cultures: What is needed to bring a new age into reality?

  Rise of Cultures: What is needed to bring a new age into reality? While events can keep players busy for a limited time, they cannot offer the same experience as a big content expansion. It offers more longevity and…

SquareX: How to Play

SquareX: How to Play Make it through SquareX without being destroyed. One thing to note – the controls are not online! Coolmath Games has seen a huge increase in popularity of this fun platformer. Learn how to play SquareX in this blog. You’ll learn some tricks…

Online Piano Game – 4 Practical Uses

Online Piano Game – 4 Practical Uses Online piano is a fun musical game for aspiring musicians. This game offers a fun way to learn and practice the piano. This is a great tool for players of all levels. We all have something to…

Battleship – How to Play For Beginners

Battleship – How to Play For Beginners Battleship is one of the best-known boardgames of all time. It’s easy to learn and fun to play. This blog will show you how to play Battleship and give some tips on getting started. Let’s jump right…