Month: September 2023

Artificial Intelligence & Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence & Content Creation In today’s social media landscape video content is king. Audiences prefer entertaining visuals to lengthy texts. AI voices make this process easier, allowing videos to be created quickly. In the article that follows, I will explain the…

Facebook Pages: Single Global page or multiple localized pages?

Facebook Pages: Single Global page or multiple localized pages? Facebook is a platform that is widely used for communication purposes by a large number of Marketers and Social Media Managers in different industries, including Gaming. Many of us choose to have…

Crafting a Magical Soundtrack

Crafting a Magical Soundtrack Every aspect of Elvenar is designed to make players feel like they are in a magical world. Elvenar’s music and soundtrack are just as important as its captivating visuals and complex gameplay. The game’s developers collaborate with experts to…

The Top Features of Free-to-Play City Building Games Part 2.

The Top Features of Free-to-Play City Building Games Part 2. In our first article about the Top Features offered by Free City Building Videogames we talked about the importance of five of these features, which included city planning, resource allocation, and infrastructure…

History Of The Dinosaur Game

History Of The Dinosaur Game There are only a few offline games that spring to mind when you think of some of the best-known ones. Most of them are classic retro games like Pong, Pacman and Snake. One of these offline…

Start Game Development with 7 HTML5 Game Engines

Start Game Development with 7 HTML5 Game Engines Have you played any games that have really stuck with your memory? The art, the story, or the complex puzzles could have been everything. You may have been so impressed by this game that…

Snakes and Ladders: The Complete History

Snakes and Ladders: The Complete History People of all ages have enjoyed the beloved board game Snakes and Ladders. Did you know it has an interesting and rich history spanning centuries across several continents? This game originated in ancient India and has evolved…