The Beginner’s Guide to Slice Master

Slice Master – A Beginner’s Guide

Slicing Master has become one of Coolmath’s most popular games. This game is a mixture of Swing Monkey, and Candy Jump. The players must try to chop as many objects up as possible.

Slice Master: How to Play

The controls for Slice Master are very basic. Slice Master is a game . Clicking is all you need to do to jump. The timing is a bit tricky at first, as players will start to fall about one second after they jump.

The map ends with a huge pillar that has a lot of targets. Each target will have a different impact on the number of points collected by players. Some targets add points to your total while others take away a lot. Try to flip with precision, and stick your knife in one of the targets which will give you extra points.

Slice Master Strategies

Slice Master is a simple game to learn, with only one button. This skill-game is full of nuance and strategy. Learn 4 useful tips and tricks to help you succeed.

Stay In Motion

Some players may end up hitting an object or wall with the blunt edge of their knives. This will not end your game. You will bounce off the wall, and then fall into freefall. Continue clicking and moving. You can earn more points by staying in motion.

Watch out for Spikes

How to Play Slice Master Blog Gameplay

You will see pink spikes along your route. These are easier to avoid in the early rounds, but they become more difficult to navigate around as the game progresses. To survive the round, you will need to time your flips perfectly.

If you are hit, the player will be sent back to the start of the level and all of the cash they have collected. It’s not a problem to hit a spike in the beginning, but can be frustrating at the end. To keep your points, you’ll need to be careful and have foresight as you near the end.

Take the Bonus Level

Players will see a column with different targets that they can hit when they reach the end of an level. Aim for the “bonus” target. It is worth the risk, even though it can be difficult to hit.

After players reach the bonus level, they will be taken to a level with lots of expensive items to destroy. This level will allow you to earn more coins than a regular level. You will earn more coins the further you progress, so take this level seriously.

Upgrade to New Skins

There will be a choice to unlock a skin before starting a stage. The option to unlock a new skin is located in the lower left corner of the screen. The first random skin costs 5,000 coins. Skins become increasingly expensive after that. The game has a nice feature where players can watch an ad for coins. This is something we highly recommend, as it will save you a lot of time.

After you have learned how to play Slice Master jump into the game. Use our four tips and tricks for a better chance of unlocking all the skins and completing this game.