A Journey Through Time: Celebrating 20 Years of Tribal WarsHeye heye gather around for a tale of two decades!

Today, we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Tribal Wars, can you believe it’s been two decades already? It is incredible how far we’ve come, and we want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you, our wonderful community, for joining us along the way. Without your unwavering support, dedication, and passion over the past two decades, Tribal Wars would not have become the great game it is today. It is because of your enthusiasm and commitment that this game has thrived and grown into something truly special. This open letter is a heartfelt tribute to honor the friendships forged, the battles fought, and the memories created throughout this incredible journey. Together, let’s reminisce, celebrate, and look forward to the exciting future that awaits ahead.

The Birth of a Legend

Ready to reflect on the origins of Tribal Wars? Let’s take a walk down the memory lane! It all started with two brothers, Eike and Hendrik Klindworth, whom twenty years ago motivated by their desire to create a game they would enjoy playing themselves, teamed up with their friend Michael Zillmer to make this wish a reality. What began as a hobby project quickly surpassed their expectations, becoming something truly extraordinary. From its humble beginnings, Tribal Wars ignited a spark that would continue to burn bright for years to come, and up to this day, it continues attracting millions of players around the world.

Evolving with the Community

The game’s success is indebted to you, our passionate and dedicated player base. We firmly believe that a game is only as good as its community, and we have been fortunate enough to count with one of the most eager and committed communities in the gaming world. Throughout the years, your valuable feedback and support have been the driving force behind our constant evolution. We have navigated countless updates, expansions, and improvements together, shaping the game into what it is today. We are in awe of the friendships created, the guilds formed, and the alliances built throughout the years. You have shown us the power of unity, support, and camaraderie. Your willingness to share knowledge, lend a helping hand, and create a welcoming atmosphere has truly transformed Tribal Wars into more than just a game. We are immensely proud to have grown hand in hand with a community like you, fostering an environment where your voices are heard, and your experiences are valued.

Epic Battles and Glorious Triumphs

Tribal Wars has always been a world of fierce competition and epic battles. The strategic brilliance displayed by you, our players, has made each server a battleground of wits and tactics. We have witnessed countless triumphs, breath-taking comebacks, and unforgettable alliances formed in the heat of conflict. These moments have forged friendships, rivalries, and narratives that will be remembered for years to come.

The Adventure Continues

As we celebrate Tribal Wars’ 20th anniversary, we thank every single player, people like you, who have contributed to this incredible journey. Your passion, enthusiasm, and loyalty have shaped the game’s legacy and continue to inspire us. It fills us with joy to serve such an incredible community!

Looking ahead, we are committed to making Tribal Wars even better. We remain dedicated to listening to your feedback, implementing new features, and delivering an engaging experience that will keep the flame of Tribal Wars burning bright for more years to come.

We at InnoGames are immensely proud of what we have achieved together, and we eagerly look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. Thank you for being part of the Tribal Wars family, and here’s to another 20 years of excitement, battles, and triumphs!