Escape from Castle Claymount – A Beginner’s guide

Escape from Castle Claymount – A Beginner’s Guide

Escape from Castle Claymount , one of Coolmath Games’ newest and most exciting adventure games, is sure to please all adventure game fans. This game is the sequel to Trace – the popular escape game released at the end 2022. Escape from Castle Claymount will appeal to those who enjoy solving difficult puzzles.

Escape from Castle Claymount locks you in a mysterious chamber. You only have a mystery book, a camera for taking pictures, and some blueberries to help you. You will find clues around the room to help you escape and save a few of your friends.

Escape from Castle Claymount Walkthrough

Coolmath Games has one of the most difficult Escape games. We have included a quick Escape from Castle Claymount Walkthrough due to its difficulty. It is full of simple strategies that you can use to play the game.

Take Pictures

The camera is one of the most valuable tools you have at your disposal. You can take pictures of anything you like. You can use this feature when you find clues you need to refer back to in the future.

The camera can only store six pictures. You will lose older pictures if you take many photos.

Click Here

You can find clues all around you. They are sometimes not as obvious you think. Click on some unusual objects to check if their behavior is out of the norm. You can find clues almost anywhere, whether it’s a crumpled up piece of paper, an elongated globe in the shape of a moon, or a random brick. Click around and see if there is anything useful.

Use Your Items

Escape from Castle Claymount Walkthrough

As you walk through Escape from Castle Claymount there are many objects that may seem confusing. Around the castle, you will find random tools, strange symbols and cryptic documents. Each of these items is going to be needed at some point. If you find yourself stuck, see if one of these items can help you. This is the most important tip we can offer you in our Escape from Castle Claymount guide.

Reference The Book

On the desk, you will find an art book when you first spawn in the map. You will see a number of bizarre images when you open the book. Many of these images may seem like nonsense, but they are actually clues you’ll need to refer to throughout the game. The book is often the solution to a puzzle that you can’t figure out.

Secret tip: At the end of the match, put the book into the cauldron. You will see something fun and fiery!

Ask for Hints

This Escape from Castle Claymount Walkthrough contains a number of tips to help you finish the game. However, there aren’t many specific answers for certain scenarios. In the upper-right corner of the screen, you can choose to receive a hint to help you move forward in the game. Click the question mark to get up to three tips on the section of the game you’re stuck at.

Many players are embarrassed to admit that they require help with puzzles such as Escape from Castle Claymount. There is no shame in asking for help if you’ve been trying for a while and are still unable to make progress.

You can play Escape from Castle Claymount now that you know a few strategies. Enter a world full of puzzles, mysteries and challenges that are waiting to be resolved.