Please read this before they take it down!

Read This Before They Take It Down!

In the last couple of weeks I’ve made some revolutionary discoveries about the suspicious activities taking place at Coolmath. I’ve documented the whole process. I uploaded all my discoveries on the Coolmath Games instagram. You can read my story of how I discovered the truth.

Day 1

In the Coolmath Games’ office, I found a mysterious folder made of manila paper. It’s hard to tell what it is. I can’t tell what it is. It looks like nonsense scribbles, and some miscellaneous papers. It’s probably nothing, I just thought it was a good idea journaling it. Tomorrow I’ll ask my coworkers.

The rest of the day was fairly normal. There’s no need to RESEARCH in the office.

Day 2

I’ve asked my colleagues about this document. No one seems to be very knowledgeable. They told me to stop asking and forget the folder. They tell me to go back to work. This needs to be investigated, I insist. This office is filled with some sort of MONSTER, I feel it.

I’ve messaged Antonia. They claim that the project was scrapped but refuse to provide any further details. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss it over lunch. Antonia, the only person I can trust. . . For now. Updates to follow

Day 3

Antonia's Hidden Emails

It was business as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. I noticed one of my colleagues wasn’t present today. No one has heard anything from them. Nothing. No phone call, no email.

Antonia is also acting odd. Today, they didn’t come to lunch. There is a buzz that goes around. . . different. What is happening here? I think it’s related to the file.

Right now I don’t even trust my closest friends. I read Antonia’s emails, and discovered an email exchange she had with a game developer regarding a mysterious title. There’s foul play afoot. I can smell it. FOUND must be the truth, but how can it be found?

Tomorrow, we will hopefully have more answers.

Day 4

The evidence has continued to accumulate. Everyone knows there’s something wrong. Nobody is brave enough to speak up. This place is under a dark cloud. I must travel through the unknown ME. I must discover what my mission is.

The other day, I saw an employee of Coolmath Games shredding a bin full of paper. I’m beginning to believe that this is a top-down affair. Everyone could be involved at this point.

I started to look through files and discovered a message that was encrypted in one of these games. It simply says “LET ME IN”. It has begun to creep up on me at a level I never thought possible.

Never take anything for granted. Never trust anyone.

Day 5

Coolmath Games Hole

The weekend is over. All I could focus on was the manilla file. In my mind, all roads lead to criminal activity.

I expected to hear everyone talk about their weekend. There was only one thought on everyone’s minds – the hole. The website has changed. Who changed the website? Nobody knows. I suspect the person responsible is connected to the folder.

I tried it myself on Coolmath Games. When I clicked on the link, an error appeared. It took me to a strange page with lots of 0’s & 1’s. It’s as if the hole is tattooed on the page. I have to find the culprits before they EXIT from this place. Is this person a friend?

Burn after reading.

Day 6

Read Me ARG File

I spent last night debating and came to the conclusion that it must be a game. Why the secrecy, though? Why lie? What makes this story so special? It’s time to find out what makes this one so special.

I was anonymously told about the instabilities of the game. Does this mean it’s not safe for users to use? Who sent me the file and why? Are they being watched by someone? Am I being watched? It seems like every time I get an answer, more questions arise.

Sleep with your eyes open.

Day 7

Mysterious note Coolmath Games

It is becoming more and more obvious that I am onto something. It’s something big. While others might choose to flee from the danger, I chose to face it. Today I got a message telling me to stop searching for the mystery. This threat confirms that I’m getting closer. There is a secret waiting to be found.

Truth is their most powerful weapon. You can’t escape it. They will eventually find their way to the surface, just like air bubbles under water. It’s either that or the other.

The tension is high in the team developing the game. I know that there is a cover up going on, so I have to work faster.

Keep your eyes on the back.

Day 8

The truth is out! Coolmath Games has a mysterious new game. Play now while you can! As we speak, they’re trying it out. Before the end of this month, it’s too late.

You can find it on the homepage. Look for words that are highlighted in this blog. The key to everything is here!

You will find the truth if you seek it.