Yacht – Rules and Regulations of the Dice Game

How to Play Yacht Dice Game Blog Gameplay


In the sea of dice games, yacht is one of the most strategic and captivating journeys. Yacht can be played online or against a computer. This game is a lot of fun, either way!

This blog will cover the basics of Yacht and some strategies for new players. Read on to find out some of the important rules you will need to know to be successful.

Rules of the Yacht Dice Game

Starting to play Yacht can be intimidating. The players begin by rolling five dice with a complex scoring sheet next to the table. It might appear that this game is difficult to learn. When you break down this game to its basic components, it’s not so hard to learn.


The yacht starts with five dice. You will be able to choose which dice to keep, and which to reroll after each roll. After three dice rolls, you will have to choose which combination of dice you want.

The following categories are available:

You must choose a new category for each roll you make. At the start of the game, you can choose from a variety of categories. There are categories for ones through sixes, where you add the numbers, three of a kinds, four of kind, full house (where you total them), small straight, long straight, and yacht (five of kind).


The categories are divided into two distinct areas: the top and bottom of the sheet. The bottom section contains all niche categories, such as three-of a kind, full house, small straight and so on. The top half of the sheet is made up of only the one-sixes category. If you can get a total score of 63 in those six categories, then the player will receive a 35-point bonus on their sheet.

Final Round

The total of your score is the result after all 13 rounds. The dice game is won by the player who has the most points. This can often come down to just 10 or 20 points. Every round counts.

Common Strategies

It can be hard to win your first battles against an opponent. These small tips and tricks can give you an edge over your competition.

The bonus is key

Yacht – Rules and Regulations of the Dice Game



You will get 35 bonus points if you can reach 63 total points in the one-six section. This is a crucial part of the game. This is a crucial aspect of the game.

Don’t Waste Your Chance

Chance is one of the categories in the Yacht Dice Game. You can score the dice total by adding up all of the dice rolled in one roll. This is a category you should only use in an emergency. A safety valve can be very useful when the game is about to end.

Know when to take risks

You will be able to tell how far you are ahead or behind as you get closer to the end. You can then decide how risky to be. If you’re far ahead in the game, you may want to play for the 50-point yacht. Or you could be more conservative and go for some easy points. Knowing how much risk you can take is crucial to learning how to play Yacht.

Now that you know the basics, go ahead and play it yourself. You can play against a computer or a friend, or challenge someone from around the world.